Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cybercrime Law: Anything you say, post, tweet, or like can be held against you in court

Before you take a side on the issue of the Cybercrime Law, please, if you haven't already, take the time to read it.

note:  I wrote this for my Advanced College Writing class (Comm 10), senior year, first semester.  The original title was Analytical Paper on the Cybercrime Law.

The controversial Cybercrime Law, passed on September 12, 2012, then suspended less than a month later, covers a variety of crimes involving the internet and other communication technologies.  Among the punishable offenses it mentions are hacking, spamming, online libel, cyber-squatting, cybersex, child pornography, unsolicited commercial communication, and computer-related fraud, forgery, and identity theft.